by passing this legislation parliament has implicitly accepted that there are cases in which assisted suicide is permissible
assisted suicide
: 幇助自殺{ほうじょ じさつ}
permissible under the existing legislation
: 現行法{げんこうほう}で対応{たいおう}できる範囲内{はんいない}で
stall the passing of budget legislation
: 予算案成立{よさんあん せいりつ}を遅らせる
assisted suicide charge
assisted-suicide charge
: 自殺幇助罪{じさつ ほうじょ ざい}
doctor assisted suicide
doctor-assisted suicide
: 医師{いし}による自殺幇助{じさつ ほうじょ}
legalized assisted suicide
: 合法化{ごうほうか}された自殺ほう助
physician assisted suicide
physician-assisted suicide
: 医師のほう助による[助けを借りた]自殺、医師幇助自殺{いし ほうじょ じさつ}
get key legislation through parliament
: 国会{こっかい}で重要法案{じゅうよう ほうあん}を通す
no cases are known in which
: (which 以下)の例は知られていない
only in cases in which
: (which 以下{いか})の場合{ばあい}に限って
: implicitly 暗に あんに
receive a request for physician-assisted suicide
: 医師ほう助自殺{じょ じさつ}を依頼{いらい}される、(医師{いし}が)自殺ほう助を頼まれる
"by part number" 意味
"by pass" 意味
"by passage" 意味
"by passage of electric current" 意味
"by passage through" 意味
"by path" 意味
"by path of history" 意味
"by patient trial" 意味
"by peaceful means" 意味
"by passage of electric current" 意味
"by passage through" 意味
"by path" 意味
"by path of history" 意味
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